
Have you attended an event with The Gene-Sis or with Rishe, or enjoyed our online content?

We love hearing your feedback and publish our favorites here!


Rabbi Shoshana Leis, Director of Youth and Family Education, Romemu, NY 

"It is rare to find someone in the Jewish professional world (or the entrepreneurial world) who can bridge the secular and the spiritual, the traditional and liberal, the intellect and the heart, and who is deeply aware of all matters of intersectionality, and who is gifted with brilliant presentation, teaching and leadership skills and who serves with the utmost love, respect and commitment to her work and the people she reaches.  Rishe Groner is such a person."

Rabbi Simcha Weinstein
Rabbi | Author | Speaker | Blogger | Coach | Chair of the Religious
Affairs Committee at Pratt Institute, "Brooklyn's hippest Rabbi", Brooklyn, NY

"Rishe is a dynamic public speaker and has been a frequent lecturer at Holidays and Rosh Chodesh groups. Over the past several years I have watched her evolution in taking her formative Chabad education into new directions, finding a strong feminist voice within the broader Jewish world. Thus making her one of the most important new voices in the broader Brooklyn Jewish community."


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Kohenet Aliza Schechter, founder of Full Circle Dance, Costa Rica

Rishe has a unique gift for offering the depths of Jewish spirituality in an authentic, embodied and accessible way. I've had the privilege of co-facilitating with Rishe on several occasions: first at a Goddess Shabbat within a festival context and later at a Gene-Sis Retreat weekend in the Catskills called Embodying Liberation. I am continually impressed with the strength of Rishe's vision, her organization skills, her emotional intelligence and her ability to dance between structure and improvisation, depending on the needs of the program participants. Additionally, it is a pleasure to collaborate with Rishe because, like Miriam ha-Neviah, she is a strong a confident leader, leading with purpose, but committed to equally empowering others. Rishe and The Gene-Sis offer a much-needed flavor of Jewish spirituality in these times: one that is informed by divine feminine values of embodiment and self-expression, while still being deeply rooted in the text-based treasures of our tradition. I would highly recommend participating in one of Rishe's retreats, or collaborating with her!

Sara Shalva, Assistant Director of Pearlstone Retreat Center, Reisertown, MD

”It was a pleasure to have Rishe join us at our retreat center for Sukkot. Her energy is joyous, welcoming, and inclusive.  Rishe’s storytelling at the song circle was illuminating and it was so special to hear a women’s voice as a teacher in that context.  The hoshanah fire circle was a meaningful experience for many. Thank you for going with the flow and taking up the mantle of the egal minyan in the 11th hour.”


On Festival Shabbats, aka "Goddess Shabbos"

“It was awe-inspiring to be able to tap into our identity with the Shabbat spirit in a festival setting.” - Mo K, aka "Techflatts", Brooklyn NY

“Shabbat spent under the stars, next to the ocean, on top of the sand with Rishe and her band of beautiful souls: I sat in a meditative position facing a circle lit by candles the souls around me ignited rejoicing, celebrating the night of rest. I closed my eyes and felt the invitation extended by Rishe to the angels accepted - we rose communally to a higher place and as I was danced with I felt my pride as a member of the Tribe swelling in my chest - I had found Home in this beautiful upside down world. Thank you Rishe for filling me up with your graceful guidance and love.” - Miriam S, Brooklyn NY

On Immersive Retreats

“I was able to connect about Judaism in a very open, honest,  and non-judgemental space that Rishe and Miriam held so well. As a Jew without much place in a traditional organized Jewish culture, you all made me feel accepted and free to be myself.  Everything was well planned and meaningful. Learned a ton about the divine feminine aspect of our faith and that opened up to so much of my personal beliefs and how I pray.” - Aaron P, Brooklyn, NY

"The retreat offered me a rare opportunity to turn off the noise and tune into the Shabbos spirit in all its divine feminine glory. I don't make much time for Jewish practice in my life and the retreat provided a perfect environment to do so in a warm and welcoming space. It was great to join together with other like minded people coming together with a similar purpose. I hope to join Rishe and Miriam for future retreats and events." - Zev I, Oakland, CA

“Thank You, Rishe and Miriam, for creating such sacred, beautiful, and inspiring space. Looking forward to sharing more ceremony together in the future." - Brooke N., Brooklyn, NY

“I must say. Yesterday’s event was filled with spiritual gratification. Every person had something to share and scripture and worship for the Divine felt so much alive. Miriam Eisenberger Rishe Groner you two are a power house goddess Duo. I can’t wait to attend the next one to worship, dance, and sing!” — Irena J, Bronx, NY